
Showing posts from July, 2023

Classics Book Tag

So I first saw this tag over on the YouTube channel of Mara from bookslikewhoa (check out her video here !), but the tag is originally from another book blog It's a Books World (the original post here ).  As always, I never tag anyone, so feel free to do this tag if you see it! I'd love to see your answers. 1. An overhyped classic you did not like.  Yikes, I have too many answers for this one! I've already said Pride and Prejudice before in two other book tags I did (the first time I did the Unpopular Opinions book tag and Musicals Go Bookish tag ), so I will go with another one I didn't like that I haven't mentioned yet, and that's The Outsiders by SE Hinton . I had this book as a required reading way back in middle school and I thought the story was sooo sad! Even my 12 year old self couldn't understand why we had to read it for school. Even now as an adult I would not consider reading it for fun. Reading about gangs fighting each other is sooo not my th

Chasing Redbird Review

TW: Discussions of death Yes, another great book by Sharon Creech . She is a favorite author of mine now.  Chasing Redbird follows 13-year old Zinnia Taylor, or Zinny as she is nicknamed. She lives with her large family on a farm in Bybanks, Kentucky (not a real place in Kentucky, by the way). Living next door to them is her widower Uncle Nate. She was very close with her uncle, aunt, and cousin, as she would sometimes go over to their house to escape her noisy big house. But her aunt Jessie and her cousin Rose died a few years earlier, and Zinny feels guilty because she thought that she was responsible for their deaths (she was sick then her cousin Rose got infected and died, and aunt Jessie happen to die shortly after one day Zinny showed her a snake, which aunt Jessie was horribly afraid of). Even after everyone in her family told her it was never her fault.  Well, one day Zinny discovers that the small stone-paved trail behind her house that she sometimes walked with her aunt and


  Now this is a book that lives up to the hype! The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers is about a group of space travelers in a spaceship called the Wayfarer who have been selected to create a space tunnel between two planets that recently had a war with each other in hopes to bring peace. The setting is in the far future where Earth has become mostly inhabitable and many humans have left Earth to go live on other planets (mostly Mars). Those humans are called Exodans, by the way. However, the real focus of the story is about the relationships (friendship, family, and romantic) between our main space traveling team and the wordbuilding as they visit and talk about many different planets along the way. The cast is as follows: Rosemary, a human from Mars who gets to work on the Wayfarer as a clerk and is trying to escape her dark past. Then there's Ashby, another human who is the stern but kind captain of the Wayfarer, and is in a relationship with the captain of a

My Side of the Mountain Review

Another classic middle grade! My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George is about a preteen boy named Sam, who got fed up with life in his small apartment with his big family in New York City, and he decides to go to the Catskill mountains and try to find the parcel of land that once belonged to his great grandfather. He finds it and ends up living off of the land for about a little over a year. Each chapter is detailed on how he lives in the wilderness, from hunting to berry picking to making clothes to keeping himself warm with fires. Sam learned everything from books he read at the library. He also becomes friends with some of the wild animals, such as a falcon he names Frightful. He even meets other humans that happen to cross his path, such as an English professor who initially got lost. Despite living almost isolated, he ends up becoming  famous in the community. Well, I'll tell you right now that I just gave it 4 stars . It was an enjoyable book, but it wasn't any

Reading plans for the rest of the year

Now, I can't guarantee I will finish all of the series or get around to all of these books this year, but I will do whatever I can. I'm human too. I got a life outside of reading as well. I am also a huge mood reader. With that out of the way, here are the books and series I need to finish/start from this point on! Series:  Witch Hat Atelier -this manga series is still ongoing. When the next few volumes come out in English, I will read them. Talli: Daughter of the Moon -this manga-inspired graphic novel series is still ongoing. When the next few volumes come out in English, I'll read them.  The Mary series -written by the same women who wrote the Jane series. The first book is My Contrary Mary.  Spy x Family - this series is still going on but as of the making of this post I have only read volume 1. I need to read the rest of the volumes that are already out in English. Moomins series - I read the first three original books. As of the making of this post I have 6 left. Cosm


  I first saw this tag over at the Youtube channel of Angela from Literature Science Alliance. Check out her video here ! So we all know the OG Unpopular Opinions book tag, but there is also a 2.0 version with even more questions! Here are my answers.  As always, feel free to do this tag if you see it! 1. A genre "great" that you didn't get the hype for. I'm gonna have to say Educated by Tara Westover . For those who don't know, it is a memoir about the author who grew up in an unconventional (and unfortunately toxic) family, and then when she goes to university she learns way more about the world and starts healing from all the emotional scars she got growing up. It sounded like a memoir up my alley, but the thing that made me not like it was I didn't like the way it was written (as in, I didn't like the author's writing style). I actually DNF'd it after chapter 1! The author had a tendency to drone on about details that didn't add much to the

Midyear Freakout Tag

  Yeah, we are technically a little past the midyear point, but better late than never! 1. Best book you read so far this year?  There's too many to pick! I guess I will have to go with Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan. 2. Best sequel you read so far this year?  Garlic and the Witch by Bree Paulsen 3. New releases you haven't read yet, but want to.  Of course, I can't guarantee I will  get around  to them this year, but I have my eye on these three in particular: Imogen Obviously by Becky Albertalli, Deep as the Sea, Red as the Sky by Rita Chang-Eppig, and Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies by Heather Fawcett. 4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.  Heartstopper Volume 5 by Alice Oseman! 5. Biggest disappointment of the year.  Again, too many to name, but I will have to go with 2 of my DNFs: I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte .  6. Biggest surprise of the year. Sorcery of Thorns by M


  I loved this one! Note: I actually read this back in June, but it was at the very end of June, and I decided to instead include it in my July reads. Either way, it's worth a read! Cosmoknights by Hannah Templar follows a young woman named Pandora (or Pan as she is usually called) who lives on another planet named Viridian somewhere far off in the future. She is secretly friends with the princess of said planet, named Tara. Tara becomes tired of being raised in isolation and asks Pan to help her escape, which she does, but then the rest of the royal family and the planet get angry at Pan for helping Tara escape.  So Pan ends up spending most of her time in her father's repair shop years after that incident. Around that the same time, there are these televised competitive games where different knights from different planets across the galaxy fight to compete for the hand of the princesses of certain planets. Two of the knights are frequent winners, and they're actually a

Ruby Holler Review

Yes, another book I read months ago that I couldn't review because of the HarperCollins strike. But here we are now! Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech is about two 13 year old orphans named Dallas and Florida. They've never had a trusted adult in their lives that they felt safe around, because they are usually taken in by a foster family that get sick of them after a while, and then return them to the run-down orphanage they grew up in, run by a mean couple named Mr. and Mrs.  Trepid. Dallas and Florida constantly dream of becoming runaways by sneaking onto the train that sometimes runs through the town. Not far from the small town they live in, there is a farm called Ruby Holler where an elderly couple named Tiller and Sairy live. They decide to go on two separate trips (a canoeing trip for Tiller and a camping trip for Sairy) and also decide to take in Dallas and Florida and invite them on their trips (Florida will go with Tiller, Dallas will go with Sairy). For the first time in

Rebecca Review

  Yup, another book I read months ago during the HarperCollins's strike and I am just now reviewing. It's my first Daphne du Maurier book! Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is about a young woman (her name is never mentioned in the book, but the fake name I came up for her is January 😂) who, while on vacation in Monte Carlo, meets and marries a widower named Maxim de Winter. When she goes to live with him in his estate (called Manderley), she sees that everyone associated with Maxim (his family, friends, and other people working on the estate, especially the head housekeeper Mrs. Danvers) can't stop talking about and reminiscing about Maxim's first wife, named Rebecca, and how wonderful she supposedly was. The MC then feels that no matter what. she will always be in Rebecca's shadow. But then a dark turn of events happen that completely change her views on Manderley, Maxim, and especially Rebecca.  I will tell you right now I gave it 4 stars . It was a really fascinati


Moonstruck by Grace Ellis is a graphic novel taking place in a world that looks like ours but everyone is a magical creature of some kind. The story follows a group of university students who live near and work at a coffee shop: Julie and Selena, who are a couple and are werewolves, and Chet, who is a centaur. They are sometimes joined by Lindi, and gorgon, and Mark, and vampire, who are part of a band. They later get a new friend named Cass who is a psychic. One day, Selena invites Julie on a date to watch a magic show, and Chet tags along, and the magicians there (a ghost and a fox guy), play a magic trick that makes Chet lose his horse legs and gain human ones. The friends all try to find a way to revert Chet back to normal, obviously with some obstacles along the way.  I guess this was a somewhat cute and magical book, but the truth was, for some reason, it didn't really strike a cord with me. It took me a while to get into the story and understand what was going on, and then

Walk Two Moons Review

Okay, here's the thing, I actually read this book several months ago, but I couldn't talk about it because the HarperCollin's strike was going on (this book was published by HarperCollins). But since the strike ended a few months ago, it's about time I talk about it! This is the second book I've read by Sharon Creech so far in my lifetime. The first one I read was Absolutely Normal Chaos when I was in middle school. I remember loving that book and I decided to read more from her. Since this was one of her more popular books, I thought it was about time I read it.  Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech is about 13 year old Sal Hiddle, who goes on a cross country road trip with her grandparents to find her mother. About a year before the story, Sal's mother left her and her father, and Sal wants to find her and understand why. She and her family were also living in Kentucky, but moved and lived in Ohio shortly after Sal's mother left. While in Ohio, Sal befriended


🎵I am so happy because I finally got around to reading this book!🎵 It took me so long to find this book be available at my local library and when I did see it, I snagged it as quickly as I could.  The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill is about Greta, a girl who works at her parent's blacksmith shop, but it hasn't been doing so well since the tools that they make are less in demand. One day while walking outside, she rescues a little dragon, which happens to be a tea dragon owned by a family friend named Hesekiel. Tea dragons are special dragons that sprout leaves on their backs that can be used to make all kinds of tea, depending on what herb the dragon grows. When Greta returns the tea dragon to Hesekiel, she meets another girl about her age there who doesn't speak much and has memory loss. Her name is Minette, and she used to be a prophetess in training. Greta and Minette decide to hang out and become friends, and then they both learn more about raising tea dragons


  So here are all the books I read last month! I read a total of 8 books.  Witch Hat Atelier Volume 8 by Kamome Shirahama -Well, this is obviously a sequel that is several books into the story. All I can say is it's still a masterpiece. 5 stars You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson -a YA contemporary novel about a girl named Liz who wants to go to a prestigious college to be in their orchestra and then go to medical school. But she didn't get the financial aid she applied for, so she decides to join the race to become prom queen and get a scholarship. She falls in love with another one of the contestants, a girl named Mack. 5 stars Witch Hat Atelier Volume 9 by Kamome Shirahama -The reason this one got half a point off was because of one chapter I didn't read in this book. But there was a content warning in the beginning and it even said you didn't have to read that chapter in order to understand the rest of the story. Other than that, great sequel! 4.5 stars Wit