Walk Two Moons Review

Okay, here's the thing, I actually read this book several months ago, but I couldn't talk about it because the HarperCollin's strike was going on (this book was published by HarperCollins). But since the strike ended a few months ago, it's about time I talk about it!

This is the second book I've read by Sharon Creech so far in my lifetime. The first one I read was Absolutely Normal Chaos when I was in middle school. I remember loving that book and I decided to read more from her. Since this was one of her more popular books, I thought it was about time I read it. 

Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech is about 13 year old Sal Hiddle, who goes on a cross country road trip with her grandparents to find her mother. About a year before the story, Sal's mother left her and her father, and Sal wants to find her and understand why. She and her family were also living in Kentucky, but moved and lived in Ohio shortly after Sal's mother left. While in Ohio, Sal befriended a neighbor, a girl her age named Phoebe, and coincidentally, Phoebe's mother disappeared for a while, too. During the road trip, Sal decides to tell her grandparents about her time living in Ohio, ranging from her and Phoebe's friendship, Phoebe's family, a boy Sal had a crush on named Ben, a mysterious stranger, mysterious letters, and Phoebe's eccentric but kind neighbor, a nurse named Mrs. Cadaver. Then Sal discovers how her story and Phoebe's story intertwine. 

This was one of the most bittersweet books I have read in a really long time. I can't tell you what it is because of spoilers, but some really sad things happen towards the end of the book. It does end on a hopeful note, and there are some uplifting things that happen in the middle, but oh my goodness, this has to be one of the saddest middle grade books I have read in a long time. 

But it was still a good book! I gave it 4 stars. I still recommend it, but you might cry towards the end. 

I have two more Sharon Creech books I will talk about later this month. She is a new favorite author of mine.

What's the last book you read that you found sad/bittersweet?


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