
Showing posts from August, 2022

Anya's Ghost by Vera Brogsol Spoiler-Free Review

Yesterday I read Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol in one sitting. That's usually how long it takes me to read graphic novels, which is a breeze!  This is a urban fantasy/horror story that draws some inspiration from the author's own life. The story is about a Russian-American girl named Anya who is having a hard time at school--from having a friend who is a bad influence, to crushing on a guy who doesn't like her back the same way, and having less than stellar grades. One day when trying to skip school, she falls into a well and finds a skeleton and ghost there. They belong to a girl named Emily Reilly, who died there 90 years earlier. At first they don't get along, but Emily's ghost and Anya become friends, and her life starts to improve a little...or so she thinks.  That's all I can say before it gets into spoiler territory.  This was a really good book and I really enjoyed it! You're probably wondering where the parts inspired by the author's own life

Listen To Your Heart by Kasie West Spoiler-Free Review

  I just finished reading Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West. This is sweet and cute YA contemporary novel.  It's kind of hard to give a simple summary on what happens in this book aside from the romance, but in this book, you will find (without getting into spoilers):  Our MC named Kate, loves lake activities and her family has a lake activity business that she wants to one day take over. Kate's BFF, Alana, is outgoing, loves to cook, and has a crush on a guy named Diego. A school podcast that Kate is reluctant about hosting at first but then realizes she has a knack for it. A classmate named Frank who's family has a rivalry with Kate's, but he wants to get along better with her. Bonding over magazines at a tutoring center Kate and her big family A little brother named Max and a cousin named Liza with their own fair share of problems. That's all I'll share for now! This was such a cute and fun book! Although it does get serious and dramatic in three of the chap

Emotions Challenge Tag

I've been doing a lot of tags recently, huh? I can't help it! They're so much fun! But I did see this tag over at @theartemisduology on Instagram and I really wanted to do it. So here we go! 1. Happiness-a book you enjoyed. Earlier this year, I enjoyed reading Anne of the Island by LM Montgomery. It is the 3rd book in the Anne of Green Gables series. It is just as heartwarming and sweet as it's predecessors! 2. Sadness- A book that made you have all the feels. Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon Highly recommended, btw! 3. Embarrassment- A book you haven't read that everyone else has. There are way too many to name because I don't usually gravitate towards popular books, BUT... I really want to get around to reading To All the Boys I Loved Before by Jenny Han. Yeah, I know I'll be super duper late to the party. That's what you'll get with Candy Bunny Reader.  4. Anticipation-A book you cannot wait to read. As of now, Daughter of the Moon Godde

Matched by Ally Condie Spoiler-Free Review

  I know I didn't mention it earlier this month, but I finally read Matched by Ally Condie . I know I'm kinda late to the game (this book was first published in 2010 and maybe a lot of you have already read it!) with this one, but I struggled for a long time to pick it up because dystopian YA fiction is very hit or miss for me. I actually got this as a gift from a family friend a couple of years ago, but I didn't read the entire thing until now.  So I gave this 4 out of 5 ⭐s. I will explain later. This is about a 17 year old girl named Cassia who lives in a dystopian society where everything is chosen for you to optimize healthy living and success based on your genes. The story begins where Cassia and her family are going to the Matched banquet, which is a ceremony where the Officials (people who work for the government) choose who you are going to be with for the rest of your life (who you will marry, who will you have kids with, etc.). To her surprise, Cassia gets matched

Booksta Backstory Challenge Tag

  I saw this tag over on the Instagram page of @jacobthebookworm , and I decided to do it, too! Just like the unpopular opinions tag (or every tag I decide to do), I might do this tag once every year as new people follow me. 1. When did you start your booksta/book blog? If you want the exact date, it's August 5th, 2022. 2. What made you start it? I wanted to connect with more people who might have similar reading tastes to me, so we can gush about our faves and give each other recommendations. 3. What inspired your username? I like candy and bunnies since they are cute things since I love all things cute, so that's why I meshed them together to get "Candy Bunny Reader".  4. First review? Where the Mountain meet the Moon by Grace Lin! You can find that review here . 5. Favorite thing about booksta/book blogs? You can discover a bunch of books you never heard before that might become your favorites, or find people who share similar, if not, the exact same opinions as yo

Artwork Post #1

  Aside from being a marketer, reader, and aspiring author, I am also an artist! I am not a professional though. I've always loved drawing and painting. Mostly drawing though. Especially drawing cartoons and anime. Sometimes I do draw and paint more realistic stuff. Such as the painting above.  I painted this butterfly back in summer of 2019 when I was at a watercolor workshop class led by Ryan Fox, an artist who is local to my area. He's a really cool guy, and you can check out his website here  . I learned at lot of watercolor techniques there, such as letting different colors run and blend together naturally, and watercolor blooms. Ryan brought a lot of pictures for us to trace and paint, and one of them was of a monarch butterfly on a leaf. I kept the leaf green, but I decided to make the butterfly purple and pink, which are my favorite colors.  It was a fun class, and now my favorite form of painting is with watercolors! I have more paintings I'd love to share on here.

Intimidating TBR Tag

  This is a tag that's been around for a couple of years and I thought it would be perfect to do it now! Since, y'know, I have like 500 books on my TBR as of writing this... 1. A book on your TBR pile that you haven't finished. For this I say I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith . So far what I read of this books is so good (gives off a lot of vibes similar to Anne of Green Gables), but for some reason, every time I read it, I only read a few chapters of it and then put it off for days or even weeks. I guess since the book is so good, I am trying to make it last longer so I can spend more time with it. But it's a stand-alone novel, and usually I can breeze through those in a few days. I dunno, it's weird! 🤷 2. A book you just haven't had the time for. Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger. I actually checked out this book twice from the library last year, but everytime I did I never read it. It's not that I lost interest...I think I was just not in the right mood

Coffee Book Tag!

  🐰COFFEE BOOK TAG🐰 I saw this tag over at  @paperbacksandicedcoffee  and I thought I would do it! The book in this picture is Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West. ☕Expresso (A book that was hard to get through) Palace of Mirrors by Margaret Peterson Haddix. The first half was OK, but the second half was a huge jumbled up mess and got really confusing. ☕Cappuccino (A book everyone has read but me) Too many to list! I guess I'll just say Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I've known about that book since I was a kid, and I still haven't read it. ☕Latte (a sweet read) Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Johanneau! I feel like that book was written specifically for me. ☕Mocha (an emotional read) Close Enough to Touch by Colleen Oakley. ☕Macchiato (favorite read of the year) I already said Kisses and Croissants, but I also really loved I'll Be the One by Lyla Lee. Feel free to do this tag if you see it! What is your favorite coffee or drink?

Snapdragon: Spoiler-Free Graphic Novel Review

I went to the library the other day and I picked up a copy of Snapdragon by Kat Leyh on a whim. I did not have it on my TBR, but when I saw it I had to pick it up and read it! The cover looked really cute and I have been craving graphic novels recently. They're easy and quick reads and the stories are almost always so relatable to me! Plus the artwork is gorgeous.   Snapdragon is an urban fantasy, and is about a girl named Snapdragon who has trouble fitting in at her school, and she is obsessed with witch movies. Her dog Good Boy goes missing, and she finds him in the house of an old woman who lives secluded from everyone in her area. Snapdragon thinks the old lady is a witch, and when she goes to her house to get Good Boy back, she sees the lady has skeletons of animals everywhere, and freaks out thinking the old lady will eat her dog. Luckily the old lady doesn't eat her dog, and Snapdragon forms a bond with her after rescuing some baby opossums from her school and gets her

Unpopular Opinions Book Tag!

Yes, that's right! We are going to do the most famous tag in the book community. I am planning on doing this tag every year as I read more books and my opinions change.  This tag was originally made by TheBookArcher on Booktube. Her original video is here: 1. A Popular Book or series that you didn't like. Ooooh I have waaaaay too many answers for this one. I rarely gravitate towards popular books. But for this one I'm gonna have to say...are you ready for this one? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Am I cancelled yet? So many people I know, even outside of the book community, ADORES this book, but this was honestly--and I don't usually like using this word because everyone has different tastes--but this book was overrated. I found it so boring! I'm surprised I even finished it. I guess I only finished it to see what all the hype was about, but I don't get the hype at all. It's just a

Where The Mountain Meets the Moon Spoiler-Free Book Review

  I just finished reading Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. I gave it 5/5 Stars. This has quickly become one of my new favorite books this year! This is a middle grade fantasy novel inspired largely by Chinese folklore,  The story is about a girl named Minli who's family is very poor, and she wishes to change her family's fortune. After hearing stories her father tells her about the Old Man of the Moon (and an encounter with a talking goldfish), she decides to go on a quest to meet the Old Man to ask him for help to make her family wealthy. Along the way up the mountains, Minli makes many new friends (including a talking dragon!) that help her along her journey to get to to the moon.  I love the way this book was written. It read just like a fairy tale or a myth from ancient times. Even though I read it for the first time as an adult, it felt like I was a kid again reading all sorts of fairy tales and myths. The author did a great job crafting a magical atmosphere

Book Blog Newbie Tag

 My very first post!!! Hi. I'm the Candy Bunny Reader. I am currently 22 years old and I live in North Carolina (any fellow North Carolinians out there???). I majored in Marketing in college, and I have two minors in Creative Writing and French. I am an NC State Alum (Go Pack!). This should definitely gain a lot of traction, yeah? (It will be embarrassing if it didn't. After all, I'm a marketing major). If you are reading this, thanks for coming to my site. 😀 Anyway, let's get started! 1. Why did you start this blog? Obviously because of my love of reading! I have been watching Booktubers and looking at other Book Bloggers for a long time, but it was only until now that I decided it was about time to make my own. I got a lot of interesting opinions to share on books I like, books I dislike, and everything in between. Also to talk about marketing, especially tips and tricks for marketing books.  2. What are some fun and unique things that you can bring to book blogging?