Artwork Post #1


Aside from being a marketer, reader, and aspiring author, I am also an artist! I am not a professional though. I've always loved drawing and painting. Mostly drawing though. Especially drawing cartoons and anime. Sometimes I do draw and paint more realistic stuff. Such as the painting above. 

I painted this butterfly back in summer of 2019 when I was at a watercolor workshop class led by Ryan Fox, an artist who is local to my area. He's a really cool guy, and you can check out his website here . I learned at lot of watercolor techniques there, such as letting different colors run and blend together naturally, and watercolor blooms. Ryan brought a lot of pictures for us to trace and paint, and one of them was of a monarch butterfly on a leaf. I kept the leaf green, but I decided to make the butterfly purple and pink, which are my favorite colors. 

It was a fun class, and now my favorite form of painting is with watercolors! I have more paintings I'd love to share on here. I'll continue posting about books, and my art as well!


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