Popular Books I Didn't Like Part 4

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Here are the first 3 parts in case you missed them: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

1. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. Goodreads summary here. Still love the author but not this particular book. The book started out really good...until that awful twist about the MC happened. 2 stars.

2. Hiroshima by John Hersey. Goodreads summary here. The subject matter was too heavy for me. 2 stars.

3. Seekers: The Quest Begins by Erin Hunter. Goodreads summary here. Just like the Warrior Cats in Part 2, this book was just boring, unmemorable, and confusing. 2 stars.

4. Wonder by RJ Palacio. Goodreads summary here. I think the author came from a good place when writing this, but this book ended up just being another story of using a character's disability as a source of inspiration. Quite problematic. 2 stars.

5. All The Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy. Goodreads summary here. The story was too boring. Also, the author had a strange habit of writing too many run-on sentences. 2 stars. 

6. Monster High by Lisi Harrison. Goodreads summary here. Okay, listen. I still love the dolls! Just not this book. I hope it isn't canon to the Monster High universe. The story overall was weird and there were too many pop culture references that probably haven't aged well. 2 stars. 


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