Popular Books I Didn't Like Part 3

 Welcome to Part 3!

How do you feel about these books?

Here are the first two parts in case you missed them: Part 1, Part 2

1. The Outsiders by SE Hinton. Goodreads summary here. I found this book to be so sad! 2 stars.

2. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Goodreads summary here. I do think the author came from a good place when writing this, but I found the story to be too heavy for me. Some parts of it were a bit confusing, too. That includes the worldbuilding. 2 stars.

3. Beloved by Toni Morrison. Goodreads summary here. Again, I like the reasons why the author wrote this, but the story was still too sad and heavy for me. It was also confusing at times. 2 stars. 

4. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Goodreads summary here. The story was too sad and a bit disturbing at times. 2 stars.

5. Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. Goodreads summary here. Sometimes the main character Holden was kinda relatable, but sometimes he was just a jerk. I found most of the story to be too sad. At least the ending with his sister Phoebe was kinda cute. 2 stars.

6. Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes. Goodreads summary here. It was really boring. That's all. 2 stars. 


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