Isn't it strange how ever since I started this blog I never done monthly wrap ups? It just never occurred to me to do it, but here we go. Here is my first one. 

I read a total of 8 books this month. I'm not gonna get into the nitty gritty stats of them. Here there are:

  • One Piece Volume 1. So I finally started my One Piece journey and so far I'm loving it! The very first book gets 5 stars from me. I think it's mainstream knowledge of what this book is about. Boy named Luffy is inspired by pirates in his youth. Hears about the "One Piece" treasure. Luffy wants to find it and become the Pirate King. Also accidentally eats a magical fruit that makes him rubber-like. Traveling and meeting all kinds of people ensues. 
  • Mysteries of Thorn Manor. This is the sequel novella to Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson which I read earlier this year and enjoyed. (Review for Sorcery of Thorns here if you're curious) This was a worthy follow-up too that deepened Elisabeth and Nathaniel's relationship. Great magical book. Gets 4 stars.
  • Cheer Up! Love and Pom Poms. Full review here. Really sweet graphic novel about two cheerleaders. Great LGBT rep too. Solid 5 stars
  • Radio Silence. Hooooo boy. Now this book was kind of a disappointment. At this point I just want to consider it a bad fanfiction of Aled from Heartstopper. Full review here if you want more details. 3.5 stars
  • Moomins and the Great Flood. Luckily this book lifted my spirits up! It was just as sweet as the first Moomin book I read (interestingly enough, Finn Family Moomintroll is actually the 3rd book). Anyway, Moomins and the Great Flood gets 4.5 stars. Full review here if you want to check that out. 
  • Volumes 4, 5 and 6 of the Bone series. All solid 5 stars. What can I say? I think Bone is one of my favorite graphic novel series of all time. Let's hope these last 3 books are masterpieces too!
Well, there was only one book I didn't really like, but other than that I had a solid reading month! What books did you read last month?


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