
Showing posts from April, 2023


I wonder if the author of this book and I are long lost twins. They are asexual and autistic just like me, and also likes anime and cartoons.  How to Be Ace by Rebecca Burgess is a graphic novel of the author's experiences finding out they are asexual, and their experience navigating a world that puts heavy emphasis on romantic and sexual relationships. The meat of the narrative is them talking about how they felt lonely very frequently because it was hard for them to get into a serious relationship like a lot of their peers, but then they felt comfortable finding joy in just having friends. One of their friends is named Sophie and is also asexual like them! Other narrative threads include their experience having OCD and the struggle of trying to find a job after graduating during the 2008-2009 Great Recession. They also pause the story several times to explain more about the asexual and aromantic spectrums, as well as debunking myths on aroace people.  I just loved this book so m


  I saw this tag over at the Instagram page of @writingwithcaitlin and decided to do it! Besides, it's been a long time since I did a book tag. 1. Next book you are planning to read: well, I am reading some smaller books (most notably the Witch Hat Atelier manga series) while I am reading my current bigger book ( I Capture the Castle ), so my next big read will be The Last Cherry Blossom by Kathleen Burkinshaw . 2. Latest addition to my TBR: The Farmer's Son: Calving Season on a Family Farm by John Connell. 3. Most hyped book on my TBR: I have sooooo many hyped books on my TBR. To give a single answer, I will say: A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers .  4. Most popular genre on my TBR: I believe I mostly have romance and fantasy books. 5. Prettiest cover on my TBR: Probably a lot of them. If I had to choose one, I'd say The Star Thief by Lindsay Becker. As always, feel free to do this tag if you see this! I'd love to see your answers. 

Underrated Books Part 2

I promised you a long time ago I would make a part 2! Here are other underrated books I have read in the last few years that I recommend you read as well. 1. Sleeping Around by Morgan Vega This is a YA novel about 18-year old violinist Coralee Reed who grew up in the foster care system (and gets extended foster care in the beginning of the book) and is starting her first year of college. Due to a miscommunication, she is unable to get into the dorm that is associated with the music program of her college, and has to share a room with two other girls until she gets a permanent solution. While Corey (her nickname) is navigating her new life at college, she wonders if she will ever find her place in the world, especially after having grown up going around from foster home to foster home and not having a stable group of friends at her many schools. Additionally, a formerly rocky relationship she had with another violinist named Dylan is starting to change for the better. You can check out

French Kissing in New York Review

  Another great book by Anne-Sophie Johanneau ! French Kissing in New York is a YA contemporary romance book about 18-year-old Margot who is a beginner chef and moves to New York City from a small village in France to fulfill her dream of working at the restaurant of a celebrity chef that her mother personally knew. She begins living in a tiny apartment with her father and his fiancé Miguel and her step-cousin Luz. Margot's father and stepfather are also planning to get married.  Margot also moves to New York City for another reason: to find Zach, an American boy she met one summer day while taking a cooking course at Le Tablier, a famous cooking school in France. However, even though they planned a date and everything ahead of time, Margot does not find Zach at where and when they promised to meet, and while working at Nutrio (the restaurant owned by her celebrity chef family friend), she meets and becomes fast friends with another chef there named Ben, and realized over time she

Nick and Charlie Review

Oh am I gonna talk about this... Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman is a novella of the characters Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson whom we all know and love from Heartstopper. This novella is set in Charlie's second to last year of high school and Nick's last year before going to university. The gist is that Charlie worries that he and Nick won't be able to maintain a long-distance relationship, and that's what kicks off the conflict for the story. There is not much to say about this book because it is a novella so the story is short and is everything is resolved pretty quickly. Nick and Charlie have an argument and avoid each other for a while but then they get back together really sweetly towards the end. Pretty predictable.  To be honest, there were a lot of things about this novella I didn't like. I found Charlie in particular to be a lot more short tempered and whinier here compared to his graphic novel counterpart. I also felt very uncomfortable readin

Given Manga Review (Not for the whole series)

TW: Mentioning of suicide and toxic relationships Pictured above are just the first 6 volumes! As of writing this I have not yet found and read volumes 7 and 8 (there are 8 volumes total), but I will eventually! Fun fact: I watched the anime for Given back in 2018 when it came out, but the anime does not cover the whole story. I decided to read the manga to get the rest of the story, but since it was a while since I watched the anime, I started to read the manga from volume 1. So far me revisiting Given has been wonderful! Given by Natsuki Kizu  is a manga series about a teenage boy named Uenoyama who is part of a new and upcoming band with two college students named Akihiko and Haruki. One day while at school he finds another student named Mafuyu hanging out at his secret location on the stairs, holding a guitar. Mafuyu asks Uenoyama to fix his guitar and teach him how to play. Uenoyama initally finds Mafuyu to be odd and frustrating, but after hearing him sing a song he wrote in a ve


  Well, I finally read one the Moomin books in its entirety!  My history with the Moomins has been interesting up until this point: I remember in elementary school one of my teachers read one of the chapters of one the books out loud to us (can't remember which chapter and what book 🤷), then I didn't encounter them again until years later when I  unexpectedly  came across some clips of the anime adaptation on YouTube, and then saw some candy of it at an Asian food store and bought it (pictured above next to the book--yes I kept the tin after eating all the candy!). I also found out there is a theme park of it in Finland, which is where the franchise is originally from (Finland is the author's native country). I finally got around to reading one of the books just now!  Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson follows the Moomins and their friends in a series of loosely connected chapters over the course of one year. Each chapter is it's own story, but they all have one t


  Hi there! I haven't posted in a while.  So I decided to start posting book/anime/cartoon fanart every Saturday now, starting with today. Below is my picture of Mia and Louis from Kisses and Croissants by Anne-Sophie Johanneau . What do you think?