I wonder if the author of this book and I are long lost twins. They are asexual and autistic just like me, and also likes anime and cartoons. How to Be Ace by Rebecca Burgess is a graphic novel of the author's experiences finding out they are asexual, and their experience navigating a world that puts heavy emphasis on romantic and sexual relationships. The meat of the narrative is them talking about how they felt lonely very frequently because it was hard for them to get into a serious relationship like a lot of their peers, but then they felt comfortable finding joy in just having friends. One of their friends is named Sophie and is also asexual like them! Other narrative threads include their experience having OCD and the struggle of trying to find a job after graduating during the 2008-2009 Great Recession. They also pause the story several times to explain more about the asexual and aromantic spectrums, as well as debunking myths on aroace people. I just loved this book...