I saw this tag over at the Instagram page of @writingwithcaitlin and decided to do it! Besides, it's been a long time since I did a book tag.

1. Next book you are planning to read: well, I am reading some smaller books (most notably the Witch Hat Atelier manga series) while I am reading my current bigger book (I Capture the Castle), so my next big read will be The Last Cherry Blossom by Kathleen Burkinshaw.

2. Latest addition to my TBR: The Farmer's Son: Calving Season on a Family Farm by John Connell.

3. Most hyped book on my TBR: I have sooooo many hyped books on my TBR. To give a single answer, I will say: A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

4. Most popular genre on my TBR: I believe I mostly have romance and fantasy books.

5. Prettiest cover on my TBR: Probably a lot of them. If I had to choose one, I'd say The Star Thief by Lindsay Becker.

As always, feel free to do this tag if you see this! I'd love to see your answers. 


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