Basil and Oregano Review

Another book I picked up on a whim and ended up loving!

Basil and Oregano by Melissa Caprigione is an urban fantasy story set mostly in a really expensive magical school called Porta Bella Academy, where student learn cooking magic. The main character, Basil, and all of her friends were lucky to get into the school on scholarships, and Basil's dream is to be top student. It will be a ticket to better support her and her two dads. Attending the school at the same time is Arabella Oregano, the daughter of a famed magical chef Ametrine Oregano. Basil falls in love with her at first sight, and before they knew it they become friends.
But being in this magical cooking school isn't easy. The students are constantly having to come up with new recipes to impress teachers, and Basil sometimes has to deal with mean girl Xynthia and her cronies. Meanwhile, Arabella has a secret of her own that might sour her and her mother's reputation. The girls have to come up with solutions to their problems before the school's big cooking festival competition that will change everything!
Whoa...this book had everything that I love in storytelling: cooking, magic, friendship, lots of queer characters, and great messages about taking care of yourself. The artwork is adorable too! It's the perfect 5 star book.


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