Turtle Bread Review

A sweet (pun intended) graphic novel from the celebrity chef Kim-Joy

Turtle Bread follows Yan, a 23 year old woman who has trouble finding a job, and generally she feels lonely. One day after a job interview she finds a flyer about a baking club in town. Yan loves to bake and although she is nervous about what other people think of her, she decides to go to the club to make new friends. Despite some awkward first introductions, she is able to form a bond with everyone there, especially the club leader, an elderly woman named Bea. Yan ends up having fun baking with her new friends everyday, and it leads to so many surprises, some nice and some heartbreaking. 

This was another graphic novel I picked up on a whim, and it was so fascinating how much it reflected my own life, especially with Yan and her social awkwardness. I am not much of baker (I mostly prefer cooking), but I loved reading about all the thing the friends baked. Especially the fluffy turtle shaped bread. 

I gave it 4 stars, but that's because I just had some pacing issues with the story. Other than that, it was great!


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