Pat of Silver Bush Review


(Pic was found on Google Images)

Another underrated book by LM Montgomery! This was actually my second attempt at this book, and I am so glad I gave it another chance because this time, I listened to the whole thing on audiobook and I liked it! 

Pat of Silver Bush follows Pat Gardiner, who lives in a quaint little house called Silver Bush on Prince Edward Island with her family and nanny named Judy. Pat does not like change, and she gets very overwhelmed whenever something new comes to Silver Bush, or when something leaves. But she soon learns that change is what makes life so interesting. Thanks to changes she is able to experience so much. From loving her new little sister Rachel (nicknamed Cuddles), making two new best friend named Hilary (nicknamed Jingle) and Elizabeth (nicknamed Bets), trying new fashion styles and hairstyles, seeing her older siblings be happy when they get married, or simply immersing herself the magic of nature and her imagination. 

It's such a simple book, but it's what makes it so enjoyable to read. This is what I love about LM Montgomery's books. So if you're in the mood for another slice-of-life cottagecore book, check this out! 

I gave it 4 stars. But that was just because of some minor things the characters say that haven't aged well. But what did you expect from a book published in 1933?


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