Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh Review


I think Rachael Lippincott is slowly becoming a new favorite author of mine!

Before we start, the title of this book is quite misleading. It is not a retelling of Pride and Prejudice. It has P&P in the title because the main character Audrey gets transported back in time to the Regency era, which is when P&P also happens to take place. So even if you weren't a fan of P&P like me, you might still like this book!

But why does Audrey get transported back in time to the Regency era? Well, things haven't been working out so well for her recently. She just broke up with her boyfriend Charlie and has just been waitlisted in her dream art college. Audrey has had no inspiration to do any art, and has gotten bored working at her family's convenience store every day. Although, one frequent visitor to the store is a mysterious man named Mr. Montgomery.

One day, to pay for his newspaper, Mr. Montgomery gives Audrey a quarter. It's a magical quarter that transports her back to 1812 in the United Kingdom. She becomes familiar with a girl named Lucy and her circle of acquaintances. Lucy teaches Audrey how to fit in 1812 UK, and even tells her her own problems: her mother died, she has to marry a cold guy her cold father chose for her named Mr. Caldwell (not for love but for money), and she's feeling uninspired to do anything, too. Audrey decides to take her chances and get Lucy out of her comfort zone and go have some fun. They become very close and find themselves falling in love with each other...and Audrey has to figure out why Mr. Montgomery sent her back in time to another country in the first place, and how to get back. 

I am giving it 4 stars because I did feel the ending was kind of rushed, and there is some queerphobia (although it is handled well). 

Again, this was such a fun read! A little emotional sometimes, but overall, it was great!


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