I Will Be Participating in Nonfiction November!

Today is Day 1 of Nonfiction November!

Nonfiction November is something that was started by the Booktuber @abookolive . She runs it primarily over on Instagram.

Olive has made prompts for everyday of November regarding nonfiction books. Today's prompt is what is on my TBR for Nonfiction November.

Well, so far I only have two books. They are:

I might also read Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. We'll see!

Hopefully I can find a new favorite and rekindle my love of reading nonfiction, too! The only other nonfiction book I read and liked this year was They Called Us Enemy by George Takei. 

I will also not participate in every single prompt because I have some other things I want to talk about this month. But I will participate in the majority of the prompts!


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