We need to talk about Magic for Marigold...

I think this is the worst LM Montgomery book I read. 

This was beyond disappointing!

Magic For Marigold is a book with no actual plot to it. It's really just a bunch of short stories stringed together that narrate protagonist's Marigold Lesley's life living in the 1920s on Prince Edward Island from when she is born until she is 12 years old.

But pretty much every chapter follows the same formula of sweet little imaginative Marigold getting into a situation against her will that gets her in trouble. And we are supposedly supposed to laugh at her misfortunes. Or how dorky she supposedly is for having a big imagination. 

I seriously don't get this book. It has the same kind of things you would find in every LM Montgomery book (cottagecore setting in Canada, usually Prince Edward Island, sweet protagonists with a big imagination, eccentric other characters, cute cats, etc.) but the tone of the story is so cynical and...kind of asking us to laugh at how ridiculous everyone is and unfortunate they are, especially Marigold is? Very few moments were actually heartwarming and happy. But even the happy moments didn't last long. It's like the author doesn't want us to see Marigold happy. Generally, this book doesn't have the typical tone in Montgomery's other books that are more dreamy and uplifting. It's almost like she didn't even write this book! 

Marigold herself really doesn't have much of a personality. Most of the characters were pretty unlikable, too. Especially most of the people Marigold tries to befriend. Seriously, get this girl some actual kind and caring friends! No wonder she'd rather be with her imaginary friend, Sylvia. And whenever she would meet someone who was actually a kind person, she kind of took them for granted. Only a few characters that I can count on my fingers were likable or interesting. 

I also noticed some things in this book that were recycled from previous books by the author. For example, there was this one quote from one of Marigold's grandmothers that was straight-up lifted from The Blue Castle. It is: "If you sit in silence with anyone for half an hour and feel comfortable, you and that person can be friends". I am starting to wonder if maybe LM Montgomery never planned on writing Magic for Marigold and only wrote it because her published asked her to, and she had no ideas on writing a more unique story. 

Okay, I am done ranting. I will still hold on to my copy of the book because it's an old-school mass market paperback I bought at a used bookstore, but I do not recommend this book. Seriously. LM Montgomery was not being herself when she wrote this. 


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