Anime/Manga Inspired Poem #2


Today's poem is inspired by Ai Yazawa's most underrated work, Gokinjo Monogatari! Above is the opening. 

I watched the anime many, many years ago on YouTube (before they got taken down) and really loved it! Now that the manga has been translated in English and released by Viz Media, the series will gain so many new fans.

Someday I might get the whole manga too and reread the whole story. And read the parts that weren't in the anime.

Here's the poem:

Forget about those guys you think are cute

What’s cute are these cute clothes I am making!

Don’t forget the insignia

Of the angel holding a strawberry

On each one

What? It’s cute clothes for teenage girls

But you’re making children’s clothes?

And you’re making clothes for stuffed animals?

What’s my friend since childhood and next-door neighbor up to?

I dunno, I think he’s makin’ walkie talkies

His himbo friend just sketches people

His punk friend just makes video games

Ugh, is that popular pretty girl back?

Childhood friend says she’s not that bad

He says she’s just like me

Obsessed with fashion and her BFF is also a guy

She knew since childhood

At least her brother who has dreadlocks is cool

Hey, lemme finish this cute dress!

We can talk later

About my secret crush on Tsutomu.

Can friends from childhood and next-door neighbors

Really become your significant others?


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