Huda F Are You? Review

 A graphic novel I think everyone should read!

Huda F Are You? By Huda Fahmy is a YA graphic memoir about the Egyptian-American author moving to and living in Dearborn, Michigan, a place with a high concentration of Arab and Muslim people in the US. Huda was no longer the only hijabi (person who wears hijab) in her school, but she still doesn't feel like she fitted in anywhere with the rest of the hijabis. Most of her friends (except for two girls) were non hijabis and non-Muslim. But even then Huda felt she had to fake being herself in order to have any friends at all. She also sometimes struggled with her faith and butted heads with her parents. Despite living in a place with a lot of Muslims, she and several of her classmates still experienced Islamophobia from random people, including some teachers at school. Huda's story is presented through a series of charming pictures and a tone that is a mix of sometimes funny and sometimes sad. 

This book seems pretty straightforward and simple, but it is so well told and heartfelt! I love the author's art style and the things she learned about herself and life in general. I gave it 5 stars.

I personally think graphic novels are the best formats to tell memoirs! Some other favorites of mine include Persepolis (and Persepolis 2) by Marjane Satrapi, They Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Smile (and Sisters) both by Reina Telgemeier, How to be Ace by Rebecca Burgess, and Messy Roots by Laura Gao. 


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