Booksnob Book Tag

I first saw this tag over on the YouTube channel of @ttreadsya. Their video for this tag can be viewed here.

Feel free to do this tag if you see this! I'd love to see your answers.

1. Adaptation Snob: Do you always read the book before you see the movie?

Nope! There are some books I've read after I watched their movie adaptations, but that's usually because I didn't know that they were based off of books.

2. Format Snob: if you had to choose only one format for the rest of your life - print, electronic, or audio - which would it be?
Maybe audio. It's a lot more convenient to use.
3. Ship Snob: would you date or marry a non-reader?

Nope! Since reading is one of my special interests, one of the ways I bond with other humans is through talking about what they like to read. I mean, we could still talk about favorite movies and shows, since I like those too, but books have so much to offer, too. 4. Genre Snob: You have to ditch one genre and never read it again, which would it be?

Believe it or not, romance. I have read so many great books that have zero romance in them. I don't think romance is essential to have a good story, anyway. 5. Uber Genre Snob: You only read one genre for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Fantasy. 6. Community Snob: Which genre do you think receives the most snobbery from the bookish community?

Maybe chick lit? Or pretty much anything popular with girls or women tends to get looked down upon. Which is pretty sad. 7. Snobbery Recipient: Have you ever been snubbed for something you've been reading or for reading in general?

No, not really. At least not openly. I don't really care, because reading or talking about books always makes me happy!


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