
Showing posts from April, 2024

"If I Were" Tag

  I was tagged again by the wonderful  @books.below.stars   . As always, feel free to do this tag if you see this! 1. If I were a book... Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli 2. If I were a quote... “Dear old world', she murmured, 'you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you.” ―  L.M. Montgomery,  Anne of Green Gables 3. If I were a book cover... Mandy by Julie Andrews 4. If I were a character... Vivi from One Piece 5. If I were a drink... Boba tea, of course! 6. If I were a season... Spring 7. If I were a time of day... 10 am.  8. If I were a color... Three colors: Purple, Pink, and Blue.

The Puppets of Spelhorst Review

Another great book by Kate DiCamillo ! The Puppets of Spelhorst is about 5 sentient puppets: a boy, a girl, a king, an owl, and a wolf. They get bought by an old sailor with the last name Spelhorst. After the sailor dies, the box gets donated, bought, and gifted to two young rich sisters--Emma and Martha. They decide to write a play for the puppets that they can perform, but before they can, the puppets get into some mishaps in and around the girls' house. Eventually the play is performed, and the puppets find out what their true purpose is. I love the whimsical style the story was written in. It felt like a modern day fairy tale. I'd say this book is like a mixture of DiCamillo's two other most popular books: The Magician's Elephant and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. They are both short books with a huge emotional impact, and they are both about sentient toys.  Apparently this is also the first in a series. I can't wait to read more! It is a pure 5 star

Granny Torelli Makes Soup Review

My third favorite Sharon Creech book, after Bloomability and Ruby Holler ! Granny Torrelli Makes Soup is about Rosie, who recently had a misunderstanding with her best friend, Bailey (a boy). Rosie's grandmother, whom she calls Granny Torrelli, helps Rosie with her problem by having Rosie help her cook some soup, while she tells her a story of a similar situation that happened to her back when she lived in Italy. The second half of the book, after  Rosie and Bailey make up,  follows another dilemma, with  Rosie and Bailey meeting a new girl name Janine and thinking their friendship will fall apart. This time, Granny Torrelli has them help her make spaghetti and meatballs. She tells them another similar story from her youth, and then a pasta party happens.  It's a short book, but it really packs an emotional punch. What else did you expect from Sharon Creech? The food descriptions really had me thinking the food was delicious. I'm in the mood for soup and pasta, too. Ther

March Wrap Up

  I read a total of 11 books this month! You might notice I did not put any One Piece manga volumes here. That is because I decided to switch to the anime! So I am still consuming the story, but in a different format. I think the anime adaption by Toei is really well done!  Anyway, how did your reading go last month? Find any new favorites? 1. Ellie Engle Saves Herself by Leah Johnson. A middle grade urban fantasy book of a girl named Ellie who loves superhero stories. One day, she mysteriously gets magical powers to bring dead things back to life. Ellie tries to keep her powers a secret, but it isn't easy. I unfortunately gave this book 3 stars . Interesting premise, weak execution. You can read the full review here.  2. The Unfinished Angel by Sharon Creech. A magical realism novella set in a small village in Switzerland narrated by an eccentric unnamed guardian angel. We get to meet and learn about the people in the town, most notably an American girl named Zola, who is the on

My Imaginary Mary Review

  I love anything Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows put out! My Imaginary Mary is about two young women. They are fictionalized versions of Mary Shelley (here she isn't married yet, so her last name is Godwin) and Ada Lovelace.  Mary loves to write and comes from a literary family, but hasn't been feeling very inspired lately. She's also in love with one of her father's apprentices, Percy Shelley. Ada loves math, science, and inventing things, but does not get along well with her mother.  The two girls find out from one of Ada's tutors, Ms. Stamp, that they are fae. Not fairies! Fae in this world have the ability to magically create anything with just the right tools and their minds. Well, Mary's fae powers awakened first, Ada has trouble with hers. Together, they create Pan, a talking humanoid robot who can move and perform many tasks just like a regular human.  However, a mad scientist finds out about Pan, and he want to pass off the girls' in

The Story Girl Review

  Another underrated and great book by LM Montgomery ! The Story Girl is about two brothers, Beverly and Felix King, who go to visit their cousins (named Felicity, Cecily, and Dan King) in Prince Edward Island for the summer, and part of the fall. The book in general is slice of life with no overarching plot, and it follows the situations, ranging from serious to comical, of the King cousins and some other friends. The family friends include Sarah Ray, a neighbor, and Peter, a hired boy for one of the wealthy families in the area, but the family friend that stands out the most is neighbor Sarah Stanley, or The Story Girl, which is what everyone calls her, because she loves to tell all kinds of stories. It’s also not to confuse her with Sarah Ray. The Story Girl likes to tell stories that have happened to people they know in their community, or stories she makes up herself, or even fairy tales and mythology. Almost every chapter of the book has The Story Girl telling at least one of