How to Find Time to Read/Read More

 So you are a reader. You have so many books you want to read. But you feel like you don't have enough time to read, or you just can't find the time. You are also super picky when it comes to books and maybe haven't found a book you loved or at least liked in a long time.

I've been there before, and this phenomenon still happens to me occasionally. But, I always find myself getting back into the groove of things. 

Here are my tips on how to find time to read, or just read more books!

  1. Schedule a certain time during the day. At what time to you find you're more in the mood to read? The morning? The evening? For me, I find I am more in the mood to read between 10 am and 12 pm. So, I almost always read at or around 11 am. If you work or have a family to take care of, find a time where you are not working and have a break from the family, but have energy to read. You don't have to even read for a full hour. Even just 30 or 15 minutes is okay.
  2. Plan on how many chapters you want to read out of your books/book. How long is the book? Did you see how many chapters there are? How many chapters do you usually find yourself reading a day, on average? For me, I found I usually like to read three chapters a day so I can remember everything I read, and not get burnt out from feeling like I read too much. Planning something like "I am going to read this number of chapters a day" or "Today I will read from chapter 5-10" can help you plan reading daily. You can also plan with number of pages a day, instead of entire chapters.
  3. Read shorter books/novellas/graphic novels. I usually find myself finishing these types of books within a day or two. Of course, reading is not a competition. You're not more of a reader just because you finished 15 books last month compared to your friend who only read 3 books in the same month. But if you want to feel the satisfactory feeling of having read more entire books, read shorter things, or read books with more pictures in them. 
  4. Listen to more audiobooks! Especially if they are for free. I like listening to audiobooks of classic books that are in the public domain. The great thing about audiobooks is you can do other things while listening to them. So you can entertain yourself with a book while getting chores done, for example. 
So those are my tips! What tips do you like? Got any of your own tips?


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