Unpopular Opinions Book Tag 2023 Edition

Like my favorite booktuber Merphy Napier, I plan on redoing this tag every year as I read more books and I have more answers.

Check out last year's answers here

This tag was originally made by TheBookArcher on Booktube. Her original video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYfgq8HgDc0&ab_channel=TheBookArcher

As usual, feel free to do this tag if you see it!

Here we go!

1. A popular book or series you didn't like. 

I once again have too many answers for this one, but I will have to go with The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. I found this book soooo boring! It was more of like a Jane Austen novel (an author you already know I don't like), where we have people just visiting each other's houses and gossiping about random stuff. Also, I found the MC to be kind of creepy. 

2. A book/series a lot of people don't like, but you liked. 

I'm gonna have to go with Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson. This book seems to be very divisive online. I'm in the team of people that really liked it! I gave it four stars. I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it, and I don't read a lot of dark fantasy romance books. Sorcery of Thorns and its sequel novella Mysteries of Thorn Manor worked for me!

3. A love triangle where the main character ended up with the person didn’t want them to end up with/an OTP that you don’t like.

I now have an answer for this one! It's a book I read recently, which is This Time it's Real by Ann Liang. I thought the main couple Eliza and Caz had zero chemistry the whole time, even when they were fake dating. Yeah, for a book called "This Time it's Real", at no part in the story did their relationship ever feel real. Ironic, huh? Then when they temporarily broke up and then got back together towards the end, it was more out of guilt, not because they genuinely loved each other. Not the kind of relationship I support!

4. A popular genre you hardly reach for.

I still don't pick up horror very much! But as of writing this I still do have a few books on my TBR that are horror, such as Dracula and The Haunting of Hill House. Hopefully I end up reading them soon and liking them!

5. A popular or beloved character you do not like.

Yikes, this is a super unpopular opinion, but I am going to have to say almost everyone from the Spy x Family manga series by Tetsuya Endo, except for Anya's best friend Becky. I admit everyone else was endearing at first, but after a while they all became one-dimensional, strange, and kind of...boring? Or maybe I just got bored with the overall story. But yeah, except for Becky, I didn't like any of the Spy x Family characters after a while. I don't plan on reading the rest of the volumes. 

6. An author whose books that you couldn't get into.

Uh oh, another super unpopular one. That would be Becky Albertalli. I tried reading Simon vs. a couple of years ago and I DNF'd it. Then I tried reading her newest book Imogen, Obviously a while ago and I DNF'd, too! I guess her books are just not for me. There are other queer YA books and authors I prefer. 

7. A popular book trope you're tired of seeing.

Third act breakups. I find them so unnecessary. I need more romance stories or stories in general where the main couple stay together the entire time and they are very supportive of one another. Something similar to Rapunzel and Eugene in Tangled the Series!

8. A popular book/series you have no interest in reading.

The Dresden Files series. This book is so popular amongst a lot of fantasy and mystery readers, but I found out the books are very misogynistic. And you know me--the quickest way to make me hate something is to make it misogynistic. So yeah, never reading The Dresden Files!

9. What movie/tv show adaptation is better than the book/series it's based on?

I can't think of any this time! 


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