Sheets Graphic Novel Review


I've been seeing this graphic novel floating around the bookish internet and I finally got to read it a few days ago. 

Sheets by Brenna Thummler is about 13 year old Marjorie Glatt who, outside of school hours, is almost always running her late mother's laundromat and has to deal with all sorts of people, including a shady businessman who wants to replace the laundromat with a giant spa. At school, Marjorie is very unpopular and gets picked on a lot. 

One day, a ghost from the spirit world named Wendell accidentally ends up in Marjorie's house/laundromat, and make a mess of things that end up driving away a ton of customers. Marjorie finds out about him and she gets mad. But after scaring off the shady businessman guy, Marjorie grows to appreciate Wendell. 

I got to be honest, even though this book sounded like something up my alley, I was actually quite disappointed in it. For one, I thought the majority of the story was so sad! Almost every page is something bad happening to Marjorie, and she always seems to have the same sad expression on her face. I also think she and Wendell did not have any good friendship chemistry. They don't actually meet until three quarters of the book, and even then their first interaction like I said in the summary was Marjorie getting mad and scolding him. I even thought the ending felt a bit rushed. 

Another personal quip I had with it was I felt uncomfortable reading about the ghost world side of the story, as the ghosts were all real people who died, including Wendell. I still sometimes get a tiny bit triggered reading about dead people. 

So I gave this 3 stars. I didn't despise it, but I didn't really like it that much, either. I won't be reading the next books in the series. 

What book(s) have you look forward to before only to end up disappointed by them? I'm curious!


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