For some reason, it took me a really long time to read this book. The first time I tried reading it was way back in high school, and I only got halfway through it and I got caught up reading other stuff. Then I tried reading it again in August this year and, if you've been keeping up with me, I got caught up reading other things. I finally read the whole thing a few days ago. It was totally worth it! 

Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein is about a boy named Kyle who loves to play games from the quirky businessman, Mr. Lemoncello. After submitting an essay at the last minute for a writing competition, Kyle and several of his classmates in his English class at school get to stay overnight at Mr. Lemoncello's new library in their hometown before it officially opens to the public! But it's not any normal overnight stay, because Mr. Lemoncello and the librarian, Dr. Zichenko, turn the library into one big escape room. Kyle and his friends have to work together to figure out how to get out of the library, and they can't go out the way they came in. The author encourages us as the readers to figure out the clues and answers along with the characters. The clues involve word games, pictures, and a ton of literary references. They all build up to crack the final code to getting out. All I can say is, it's not always easy figuring out where to look for clues or deciphering them! 

I don't know what else to say except this was such a fun book. I didn't realize I would end up liking books about escape rooms. They are basically one big mystery, and the character interactions were fun, too. There are also a ton of references to real life books scattered throughout the novel. Mr. Lemoncello is also very funny and charismatic!

Apparently this is the first of a series and it also has a movie adaptation. I definitely want to read more and read other books by the author.

So I gave this 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend this middle grade novel for everyone!

That Barbie doll I have in the picture dates back to 2007. It's a Festivals of the World Irish Dancer Barbie doll. 

Are you an escape room enthusiast?


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