The Girl from the Sea Spoiler-Free Review


The Girl from the Sea by Molly Ostertag is a YA Graphic Novel about a teenage girl named Morgan Kwon who lives in a house on a small island near a small town near the mainland somewhere in Canada with her divorced mother and little brother. She has a relatively normal life there and has a group of friends she describes "is something out of a 90s teen movie." Morgan is also a closeted lesbian, as she is scared to come out to her friends and family. 

In the beginning as she is texting her friends on making plans to meet up for the weekend, she trips over a rock and falls into the sea. She is rescued by a selkie named Keltie. Morgan thinks it is all just a dream, and as a joke she kisses Keltie. It turns out the whole thing was real, and Keltie temporarily becomes a human girl. She starts hanging out with Morgan and they even  start dating. Morgan at first has to keep her dates with Keltie a secret from everyone, and at the same time, Keltie has a problem of her own: she has to stop a giant cruise boat (that happens to belong to the parents of Serena, one of Morgan's friends) from sailing too close to the reef where she lives because the noise and pollution will make all the fish go away, which is not good for the wildlife there because they need the fish for food. 

This was a very heartfelt and sweet book! I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. I loved the seaside/island small town setting, and I loved seeing how Morgan and Keltie's relationship blossomed and their individual characters got their development. The selkie folklore within this story was cool to read about, too.

So do I recommend this book? Yeah! If you want a great sapphic romance story in an urban fantasy setting, pick up this book!

Oh yeah, and Molly Ostertag is the wife of author Nate (ND) Stevenson. Nate also wrote the graphic novel Nimona, which I read last year. Sometime I'll put a mini-review of it up here, and I plan to do that with all the books I read prior to making this blog. 

One more thing. Wasn't it a perfect idea to put my Monster High doll of Lagoona Blue with this book? I mean, both Keltie and Lagoona are girls from the sea! I also want to post more about my dolls. 

I really want more Monster High dolls too. It helps they've recently had another reboot! Although I'm not the biggest fan of several of the redesigns of many of the characters...

Anyway, have you read any graphic novels this month?


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