How I Rate my Books!

As of right now I do not use Goodreads, but that might change in the future. However, I still do use the star-rating system to rate books that I read. Here is how I rate my books!

5 ⭐s-New favorite book! Highly recommend it. This means the story was beautifully well written, the story resonated with me very deeply, it had everything I love seeing in books. The book was so wonderful words can't even express it. Go read it right now. It also doubles as I now have a new favorite author.

⭐s-I enjoyed the book. I liked it, but not to the point where I loved it. I did still have some problems with it. Either minor problematic elements or just things I found annoying/could've been done better. But overall it was still a good book and I recommend it! Just with a few small caveats. 

⭐s-I didn't like this book, but I didn't dislike it either. It's in this weird zone where I'm not sure whether or not I liked it. The book did a lot of things I liked, but it equally did a lot of things I didn't like. I can't particularly recommend it, but I can't discourage others from reading it. 

⭐s-I did not like this book, but I can still see why people like it. It still had some redeeming qualities to it, but overall it was not my cup of tea. Maybe I liked the first half of the book but the second half fell flat for me. Or maybe the book was overall bad/boring but there were some scenes and characters that stood out to me in a good way. Or maybe I could still see where the author was coming from for their reasons to write the book, but I didn't like the way it was executed. I still personally don't recommend the book.

⭐-Big. Fat. No. Nothing redeeming about it. The book was just objectively bad/boring. Or the author's prose was unreadable for me. I do not recommend this book at all. Save your precious time and don't read this book, in my opinion. 

0 stars- DNF. The book was so bad I could not read another word of it. Or the book was simply boring and I couldn't get into it. I realized early on it was not my cup of tea. Or maybe I was reading the book at one point and kind of liked it, but then I lost interest in it over time. Either I fell out of love with the story or I am simply no longer in the mood for it. 

What is your rating system of books?


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