Chef's Kiss Graphic Novel Review

I finally got around to reading Chef's Kiss By Jarrett Melendez ! And it was awesome! This book came at the right time in my life. Not to mention I am in the same area of my life as the characters in this book (a twentysomething trying to find her dream job), so it was beyond relatable. Chef's Kiss is about Ben, who majored in English in college due to his parent's wishes, but has trouble finding a full time job that involves writing. He starts to look for part time jobs that supposedly require less skills but doesn't do so well initially until he stumbles upon a small restaurant run by a hotheaded owner named Chef Davis. Ben is already somewhat good at cooking since he cooks for himself and for his three roommates/friends all the time at home. Either way, his new friend/co-chef and crush, Liam, and two other chefs named Emilia and Mel train him in some of the restaurants' menu items to prove to Chef Davis that he can work there in the kitchen. Ben gets ideas on ...